RK3588S CoolPi 4B Board

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Slot:	0004:40:00.0
Class:	PCI bridge [0604]
Vendor:	Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd [1d87]
Device:	Device [3588]
Rev:	01
Driver:	pcieport

Slot:	0004:41:00.0
Class:	Ethernet controller [0200]
Vendor:	Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. [10ec]
Device:	RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8168]
SVendor:	Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. [10ec]
SDevice:	RTL8111/8168 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller [8168]
Rev:	15
Driver:	r8168